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Maybe you already know about these products or maybe you don't. If you have heard, feel free to read on anyway but if you haven't heard about these products definitely read on. As you will learn about one of the hottest supplements to hit the market of all time.

What exactly does this type of product do that makes it the hottest product to hit the marker ever you might ask? You are right, it is a rather bold statement but give me a chance to explain to you what this product does for you, and what you can expect to see when you add this in to your stack.

First of all, you know that look you can achieve in the gym, you know the one I am talking about. You just had one of your best most intense workouts, and your muscles are pumped like there is know tomorrow and that is what you wished you looked like all the time. Wel,l wish no more because not only will NO2, NOX2 ,AKG2 or NP2 help you keep a perpetual pump almost all day long it will give you even greater pumps and increase your vascularity as well.

Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention, most people will also experience some pretty good strength gains as well to go along with the lean mass gain and pumps.

How exactly does this work? Well without getting to technical, it works by increasing your blood flow. If you think about it, that is what is happening when you work out to begin with. So by taking it one step further, you can experience everything we already talked about in a safe and effective way that has scientific studies to back it up.

Now there are a few different brands of NO2 / AKG2 available on the market and each one seems to hit a home run every time in terms of effectiveness. If I had to recommend one for a first time user or anyone for that matter give AKG2 by 4Ever Fit a try, it won't disappoint you and best of all it is by far the best value on the market in terms of price for what you get. Go a head and compare for yourself.

One more thing, the only type of product we wouldn¹t recommend to stack this with is any type of fat burning agent as they may counter act each other or cancel each other out.

Next time you visit one of are locations, if you are interested in one of these types of products and need more info, just ask one of are experts at the store or give us a call.





Have you tried the Nectar Protein Juice by Syntrax yet?

If you haven't you are missing out, it is by far one of the best tasting and easiest to mix protein drinks available today.

That's right I did say Protein Juice. This bad boy has 0 carbs, 0 fat, 0 sugar and 23 grams of protein per serving. On top of that it is a whey isolate protein so you are ensuring yourself of a high quality source of protein every time.

All you have to do is mix one scoop per 8 oz of water and you are ready to go, no lumps and no blender needed just shake it up. If you wanted to make this treat even more exciting grab the blender and throw some ice cubes in it and head down to your local grocery store and buy some frozen fruits to add to the mix. And you have just created the world's best tasting protein smoothie around.

You can have this anytime throughout the day, if you are having this mix post workout for recovery weI would recommend to add in some glutamine to the mix to enhance your results even further.





Now when it comes to the term diet we don't really like to think of this as a diet. To me diet means restricting or limiting the amount of food someone can consume throughout the day. So where do we begin with this, well first of all throw out the 3 square meals a day and increase that number to 5 or 6 means a day. That's right we are going to eat more but better balanced meals throughout the day in order to get the desired result.

Now a lot of people already know about eating 6 small meals throughout the day, so let's try and determine how everyone can have success on this type of plan. When you think about it for a second people are different sizes and have different types of metabolisms, some faster than others and some slower than others. And some people have larger body types than others.

So here are a few things to look for in yourself to figure out how to set yourself up for success. There are 3 basic body types in people, you have an ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph. If you are the type of person that can eat whatever you want but never gain a pound of weight you would be an ectomorph. If you can gain weight by eating in moderation and combining exercise you would be a endomorph. And if you gain weight easily and have to really watch what you eat than you are a classic mesomorph.

When you figure out your body type you either have to increase your calories or decrease your calories depending on your body type and what you are trying to achieve. Also try and balance your protein and carb intake throughout the day. Unless you are an ectomorph you may have to have as much as 50% of your calories coming from carbohydrate¹s and 35% protein and the remainder from fat.

An easy way to figure out how many calories you should be consuming per day, based on a person's body weight is this type of formula. Take your current body weight and times that amount by either 10, 15, 20 or even as high as 25. Depending on your body type to find out where you should be at. Weather you are trying to gain weight or lose weight you can use this type of formula.

So, if you have tried different so called diets and didn't get the proper result you were hoping for give this formula a try it has been proven to work for thousands of people. If you are having trouble getting enough protein in throughout the day check our supplement review list to find a high quality protein or meal replacement to help you design your plan and maximize your results.


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If it's featured here on our EXCLUSIVE "Locker Talk" page, you will win a complementary gift from Popeyes Canada just to say our "thanks"!

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Popeyes Supplements Canada, authors or any personnel contributing to this web site do not assume any liability, or no responsibilities, for any, or all products ordered, purchased, used, product advertising, guarantees, products results, personal results, all information, directions, advice, or recommendations on this web site. As a result of this web site evaluating, recommending, and providing ordering information on a variety of different supplements this web site maybe considered an advertisement. All information, reviews, and ratings on this web site are put together by the company along with additional feedback by a large number of customers across Canada, these expressed opinions are the companies own opinions, and the companies own opinions only, and are not meant to be interpreted as conclusive. This web site is sole and in part to educate people about natural supplementation and helping create a drug free environment. Always consult a medical doctor, or get a medical opinion first, if you are unsure about any new sports nutrition, exercising, or any kind of dietary supplement use, even though supplements are natural and safe to use, there have been few cases of people getting some harmful effects from different supplements whether it being from regular use, reaction, misuse, or abuse. All supplements on this web site are solely for personal consumption and not intended for resale or misuse. Sport supplementation should be used by persons 18 years and older. The information on this web site is pending copyright Popeyes Supplements Canada 2004.


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Popeyes Supplements Canada is the leader of sports nutrtion supplements in canada. We are exclusive sub-distributors in Canada offering the lowest prices guaranteed on top supplements like hydroxycut, hydroxycut canada, xenadrine, xenadrine canada, myoplex, myoplex canada, no2 canada, ephedrine nasal decongestant, ephedrine nasal decongestant canada, pure whey protein, creatine, glutamine, all protein and low carb bars, plus many, many more supplements. Supplements Canada .com is also exclusive sub-distributors in Canada offering the lowest prices guaranteed on top sports nutrition lines like muscletech, muscletech canada, eas, eas canada, prolab, prolab canada, champion nutrition canada, cytodyne canada, bio x canada,, lean system 7 canada, isotori canada, meta cel canada, next nutrition proteins canada, twin lab canada, ultimate nutrition canada, genisoy canada, testostrogain canada, stacker 2 canada, mri canada, interactive canada, labrada canada, hdt canada, the zone canada, biotest canada, body for life canada, bfl canada, optimum nutrition canada, sportpharma canada, muscle tech canada, nhf canada, plus many, many, more supplement lines.We also carry other popular products at the lowest supplement prices in Canada like caffeine, endurox, cytosport cytomax, muscletech acetabolan, acetabolan, muscletech celltech, cell tech, hydroxicut, nitro tech, nitrotech, muscletech nitrotech bars, lowest supplement prices, protein, meso tech, 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in canada offering the lowest prices in canada GUARANTEED or it's free.

For more information please call us today or visit one of our Popeyes Supplements Canada retail locations in
Edmonton South, Edmonton Downtown, Edmonton West, Calgary, Grande Prairie, Coquitlam, Halifax, Winnipeg, Toronto, Laval, Kelowna, Regina, Saksatoon, Ottawa, Langley, Victoria, Kitsilano, Kamloops and Lethbridge.

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Popeyes Supplements Canada means Popeyes Supplements Canada Corporation. A company incorporated in Alberta

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